Companies invest millions of dollars in training each year. Yet, even after extensive education and successful performance in a classroom environment, many seasoned professionals struggle to implement new techniques. Why? The answer lies not in a lack of knowledge but in the power of habit.
Finish is just one consideration for consumers buying new faucets and bath fixtures. It’s got to look good – but automation, water conservation and easy cleanup are important, too.
At various times, the popular press raises the idea that group brainstorming isn’t effective at generating creative solutions. That assertion is erroneous, for a variety of reasons. Groups can - and do - successfully brainstorm creative and useful solutions.
It happens every year: One day, we wake up to find that summer is but a memory. The nip of fall is in the air. Crisp days are filled with leaves that are falling faster than the temperature. Before you know it, it’s time to move indoors once again.